

Sinee most all readers of TRANSVESTIA will start with No. 1 it seems pointless te burden each issue with the same statements of purpose and editorial policy. Therefore we will put forth these statements at some length periodically but in the meantime will only make a few comments to remind you.

TRANSVESTIA was conceived with the idea of service as well as entertainment. Service to its readers in bringing them contact with others of similar interests and service to those outside the field in helping them to understand it more fully. To this end your editor has brought and will bring to your attention items which it is felt will be of interest and will try to put the magazine together in such a way that it will be ac- ceptable to the uninitiated so that it may be shown to them on occasion as a help toward understanding.

This cannot all be done by the editor however. You, the readers can help by contributing experiences and ideas that may be helpful as well as interesting to others. For example, the education of wives and parents is one of the principle problems faced by our group. If some of you have found means of achieving acceptance from previously antagonistic family members, write about it. It may help others. If you can put down your own intro- spective interpretations of what made you the way you are, put that into an article. None of us can have all the ideas, therefore ideas which occur to one of us may trig- ger a response in another of the group which may be help- ful to him.

So please dont look on TRANSVESTIA as ONLY a medium of entertainment--Let's make it useful too.

Will you help?